Martin University Alumni Association is launching a Missional Food Pantry to support Indianapolis Communities Facing Hunger!

According to statistics, Communities are faced with significant challenges including Homicides, homelessness, Drug additions and the food desert in the Martindale Brightwood community in Indy will likely worsen due to a variety of factors.
On July 17th, 9 am to 11:30 am Faith Hope and Love Community (FHL) will meet at Martin University with several community partners, Martin University Alumni, Community Church Indy, Serenity The Prince of Peace Church, to collaborate by binding forces to create “Mission Trip” in your backyard. Our community partners plan to deliver Missional Training, Networking, and Partnerships and a number of referrals to other community resources using a holistic approach in the attempt to eradicate the growing number of disparities that continue to plague communities.
This community gathering is in response to the City-County Council Proposal 337 that led to the establishment of the Division of Community Nutrition of Policy that addresses racial food inequity, food policies, and food access.
“The group believes that the greatest asset in building community starts in investing in people through relationships, collaboration, information-sharing, and training,” says Merlin Gonzales, President/CEO of FHL.
"This is a very vulnerable time for many people in our community. With the help from organizations like Community Church Indy, Martin University Alumni, Serenity The Prince of Peace Church, our goal will be to empower families by developing a strategic plan that will provide families with purposeful amenities. We are determined to do our part to serve families. The missional food pantry program is a great way to alleviate hunger beyond bags of groceries.” said Pastor Antonio Lipscomb.
The Missional services and food pantry will serve hundreds of families with healthy food, personal hygiene products, referrals, training, and other services. FHL is partnering with Martin University Alumni Association to launch the opening of the Missional services and food pantry and they need central Indiana to launch this important initiative.
“This is a food pantry by the community, for the community”, said Gonzales. “Its success depends not on one organization but depends on the community. I am excited about this initiative,” said Dr. Dorothy Herron, Pres. of Martin University Alumni Association.
Anyone may provide cash donations, food, and grocery items, equipment, or even volunteer, to make this happen.
According to Merlin Gonzales, President/CEO of FHL, listed below are the initial items needed:
6 – Stainless steel shelving units – 4 shelves with wheels
1 - large refrigerator
1 - large deep freezer
6 - 6 foot tables
8 - folding chairs
6 - rubber floor mats
24 - Cleaning Supplies and toiletries
16 - Weekly Volunteers
100’s - Masks and gloves
Faith Hope and Love Community aim to be a catalyst for change by engaging in relationships with food-insecure neighbors on their path to self-sufficiency through missional food pantry training. It is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) interfaith organization with a mission to help eradicate food insecurity, end hunger, and leverage the power of food to build healthy communities.