Martin University is proud to announce the launch of its new Career Development and Resource Department. The department’s responsibilities are managing the Future Career Resource Center that houses the new Martin WORKS Apprenticeship program. Tony Cunningham has been hired as the Director of Career Development to head the department and Center.
The Martin WORKS program, a vital component of the Career Development and Resource Department, allows Martin students to be compensated and expand their work experience, potentially leading to a permanent position with an “employer partner” as they complete their degree. Martin WORKS currently has a placement rate of 92 percent.
Cunningham most recently was the Assistant Human Resource Director for Ivy Tech. He brings more than 23 years of human resource management, employee relations, OSHA-based safety protocols training and development, and project management experience to Martin University.
“I tell anyone wanting to reach his or her full potential to begin making the sacrifices necessary for positive growth,” said Cunningham. “I say, remember that adversity builds character, be unapologetic about your intentional path to becoming a servant leader, and let Martin University help steer you toward a new or better career through the Martin WORKS program.”
Founded in 1977, Martin University is Indiana’s only Predominantly Black Institution of higher education. It is steeped in a history of service and open to a diverse population of students.
Martin University’s mission is to provide excellence in educating and developing traditional and non-traditional students in an inclusive, supportive, and healthy collegiate environment.