Martin University has awarded three students as its Strada Scholars. All three are from Indianapolis and are earning academic honors. They are Carlos Dyer, Camari Hunt, and Kisha Walker.

Martin University received a $381,400 grant from Strada Education Network as part of a nationwide Strada HBCU Initiative (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) focusing on the next generation of leaders. The program provides leadership development, academic support, and critical social engagement resulting in positive postsecondary learning opportunities that lead to meaningful pathways.
“We have selected three of Martin University’s best and brightest students who are earning academic honors and will graduate with enhanced leadership skills,” said Martin University’s President Sean Huddleston. “The result should be more opportunities and higher paying jobs for these students thanks to Strada’s vision and generosity.”
As part of the grant, Strada is providing Martin additional support in areas including student, alumni, and strategic partners engagement, evaluations, leadership development speakers and workshops, credentialing programs, and employer partnerships and internship opportunities, to name a few.
Strada Education Network is a national social impact organization devoted to research, philanthropy, and solutions that align education and careers. Strada’s vision is to see all individuals empowered to pursue learning pathways that are valuable and purposeful and provide support to overcome systemic barriers to success.
Founded in 1977, Martin University is Indiana's only Predominantly Black Institution (PBI) of higher education. It is steeped in a history of service, and its mission is to educate and develop diverse workforce-ready students in an inclusive, supportive, and collegiate environment. Martin University’s vision is to elevate the landscape while providing transformative opportunities, inclusive support, and service to our communities.