Partnership Will Further Education of Minority Students and Assist Employers

This major announcement will be made at a press conference on the campus of Martin University on December 4th at 1:00 p.m.
In an effort to encourage and help students succeed in their educational goals and assist employers in hiring a more diverse and inclusive workforce, Martin University and Ivy Tech Community Colleges of Indiana today announced a partnership. It will combine aspects of the university’s Martin WORKS with Ivy Tech’s existing program to concentrate on workforce development and career advancement for minority students.
Martin, the state’s only Predominately Black Institution (PBI) that offers 4-year undergraduate and master’s degrees, developed Martin WORKS to provide students with paid internships and other career development experiences while earning their degrees. Ivy Tech, well-known for its workforce development training, associate degrees, and short-term certificate programs, can offer students the opportunity to continue their education and earn a college degree.
The partnership will allow stakeholders to make positive progress in overcoming racial gaps in education and career paths toward goals of both the Indiana Department of Workforce Development and Indiana Commission of Higher Education.
“We believe that Martin University is the best choice in Indiana to help position students of color for success in both their education and career paths,” said Sean Huddleston, President of Martin. “We are grateful to be able to capitalize on Ivy Tech’s long-standing and well-respected workforce development program to make inroads for and benefit both our students.”
“This partnership gives Ivy Tech a unique opportunity to influence and increase our desire for a more diverse and racially balanced student body, said Sue Ellspermann, President of Ivy Tech. “It also allows us another opportunity for our students to earn a 4-year degree at a liberal arts university.”
Information Technology (IT) will be a specific focus of the partnership due to the lack of diversity in this sector. Martin will create a new Cyber Entrepreneurship program designed to expand access to the IT field for minority groups and people of color. This will complement Ivy Tech’s existing program and, as a goal, increase the pool of qualified talent that is more diverse. Martin and Ivy Tech students are guaranteed to be admitted to the program.
Martin’s new Center for Racial Equity and Inclusion, created to assist organization leaders in their efforts to strengthen diversity equity and inclusion, will provide Ivy Tech with access to expertise and training to better educate the students for success in their focused areas. This will be accomplished through workshops, lectures, seminars, programs, initiatives, and consulting engagements.
The partnership acknowledges the lack of educators of color throughout the higher education system and will also allow Martin and Ivy Tech to better diversify its student, faculty, and staff experiences.